brain brimming over/heilin um at hvølva


I have decided to start this blog since I don't know where else to put all my writings, thoughts etc. Sure I have two different blogs on myspace, but this is something else and seems to offer some possibilities.

Some blog posts will be in english, others will be in faroese. This will most likely depend on the subject matter or maybe just the mood I'm in at the time of writing.

There are a couple of older posts at my myspace page that will show up here in the coming days in lightly edited form. Some sort of continuity is good, yeah?

Also, if you want to follow the making of my upcoming 2nd album, there is an ongoing blog about this at my artist/band page on myspace (that said, stuff regarding the album & future gigs, plans, projects etc. might pop up here every now and then).

So get on board, let's see what happens.

